Starting the 24-25 School Year Strong

Prayers for moms and dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and loved ones to help get students off to a strong start in school this year.

5 Days of Prayer for Students

DAY 1: Learning
God of all wisdom and truth, this school year, please help my child(ren) to set aside all distractions so that they can focus, create, learn and grow in wisdom and understanding. Grant them curiosity, a love for ideas and a passion for learning. Bless them with moments of true wonder. Grow their ability to question and think critically. Help them to recognize and celebrate the gifts you have given them, and to use them with enthusiasm. And in all of this, open their hearts to your presence and guide them with your Spirit, that they would see through your eyes what is beautiful and true. Amen,
DAY 2: Friends
Lord, please help my child(ren) to find true, godly, and loyal friends, who are pure in heart and gracious in speech. Guide their relationships, that they would love, inspire, challenge and encourage one another through all of life’s adventures. Help them to see others through your eyes, that they would have a heart full of compassion. Gift them with kindness, generosity of spirit and friendliness, that they would greet others with a welcoming smile. Amen.
DAY 3: Resilience
God, who calms the storms, I pray that any adversity would help my child(ren) to learn and grow. Through the ups and downs of this year, grant my child the sure knowledge of your love. Help them to always turn to you, that they would face trials with courage and integrity, and bounce back with increased confidence, grit and resilience. Use every experience and every relationship to nourish them and shape them in your image. Amen,

DAY 4: Safety
Lord, our Protector and Savior, wherever my child(ren) go, a piece of my heart is always with them. Thank you for the miracle that they are! You knew them before they were born, you can count the hairs on their head. Please protect them, and keep them safe from danger or harm. Guide them to make wise choices, to withstand social pressure and avoid the many temptations of this world. Enfold them in your protection and bring them home safely each day, and grant me/us the peace of knowing you hold them in the palm of your hand. Amen.
DAY 5: Godliness
Creator God, let all things work together this year to draw my child closer to you. Open their hearts to your presence and fill their spirit with your love and grace. Help them grow in understanding of your teachings. Give them the confidence that comes from knowing that they are children of God. Help them learn to depend on you, to turn to you in prayer, and to place their confidence in you. Help them to shine your light in the world, and to be a testament to your goodness and mercy. Amen.

Student's Prayer

A Parent’s Prayer

Creator God, thank you for the gift of our child(ren) and the blessing of our family. We are so grateful for the privilege, and we know that we can’t do it without you. We ask that you would equip us to love generously, to discipline effectively, and to provide a peaceful and nurturing home. Help us to celebrate together and care for one another, and to work out our differences with mercy and grace. Guide us to see the gifts you’ve given each child and to recognize their needs, so that we would know how to best support and encourage them. Help us to calm their fears, anxieties and insecurities, and reassure them that they are always safe in you. Align our hearts with yours, that we can help teach our children through faithful example, and encourage them toward a life in you.  Through this year’s ups and downs, busyness and activities, help us to be intentional and mindful, that we would be fully present for each special moment of laughter, wonder and beauty with these special little people you’ve given over to our care. Amen.

A Prayer for Teachers

Thank you for the gift of our teachers, who dedicate their lives to shaping the minds and characters of their students. Bless (teacher’s name) as this school year begins. Prepare her heart to welcome and love our child, and help our child to show love and respect in return. Bless her with the wisdom, skill and courage to teach what is good and true. Nourish her creativity and love for learning , that she can inspire and engage her class. Give her insight, grace and compassion in dealing with any students who aren’t thriving. Strengthen and nourish her for the many challenges ahead. Give her a powerful sense of your presence, and grant her the joy and peace that comes from serving you. Protect her against any stresses and pressures, and bless her with confidence that her faithfulness and passion will make a lasting impact on the lives of her students.

A Prayer for the World

As we start this new school year, we recognize with gratitude the many blessings you’ve bestowed on our family, our community and our nation. Our hearts cry out for all of those children for whom school isn’t possible, those children who are hungry and in need, and those who are in sickness or danger. We know that each one is a child of God. Please give us eyes to see the need around us, discernment to understand how you are calling us to help, and willing hearts to follow that call.
Big thank you to Charnaie Gordon, whose blog post helped inspire us! We celebrate and share your heart for God, passion for education and love for kids. Check out

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