One of our callings as a church is to love and serve the Medical District in Dallas. This neighborhood, while centrally located and home to world-renowned hospitals, is often overlooked by those who call Dallas home. As a church family that cares about brokenness and restoration, we believe that God has called us to participate with Him in the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing of those who reside and work in the Medical District. We do that through prayer, as well as several tangible avenues:
Clements Hospital chapel service
Every Sunday, clergy and/or members of our church lead an afternoon chapel service at UT Southwestern Clements Hospital. The service is open to all hospital patients and visitors, and is livestreamed to every patient room. If you would like to volunteer to participate in our Clements chapel service, please fill out this form.

Children's Health volunteering
Children's Health is another major hospital in the Medical District that we serve through volunteering and prayer. Members of our congregation serve in volunteer roles at Children's as Patient Pals and on the Family Advisory Network. We also plan to host periodic supplies drives to provide patients and their families with comfort items such as toiletries, blankets, pillows, and crafts.
Hospital visits
Our clergy make it a priority to visit members of our church or anyone connected to our church who is in the hospital for treatment. A hospital visit can include prayer, anointing with oil, taking the Eucharist, and general pastoral care. If you or a loved one are interested in a clergy hospital visit, please contact

Hospital donations
Finally, we seek to bless our local hospitals through monetary donations from the church offering and supplies drives. Every October, we donate the offering from our Blessing of the Animals service to the Children's Health Pet Therapy program. We also host clothing drives for the psychiatric inpatient unit Methodist Richardson Medical Center thanks to a personal relationship with their staff. If you know of an area of need in the Medical District, we are always open to new ways we can love our neighbors!